What is Project Success Taking it to the Streets Outreach ?
Project Success Taking it to the Streets is an outreach team made up of ministers and missionaries. Many come from a street background.This team is considered our crisis intervention team. They respond to people that need emergency assistance.The team go into crack houses, under the bridges, on street corners and in homes that are in terrible condition. This team of missionaries and ministers are front line soldiers that go where ever there is a need.This team respond to domestic violence and gang related emergencies.The team provide the initial intervention for a safe house placement.
Project Success Outreach
Project Success out reach team is a group of ministers,missionaries and volunteers,who provide assistance to communities through out Alabama and surrounding areas.They implement community prayers, adopt community schools, sponsor state wide projects, such as, The Annual Under the Bridge event where they service hundreds of homeless and indigent persons, The Annual Back to School Rally, where they provide needed house hold cleaners, paper towels, toilet tissue, pampers, lotions and a host of other items.
They serviced approx. 1,500 persons at this event. Sponsored are a number of annual events. Such as, the Annual Christmas Program, where last year we excepted 2,500 applications from needy and homeless families, the annual drama productions, such as, the Hallelujah Night, the Black History and Christmas Productions where hundreds come out to enjoy these free events.This team respond to request for assistance on the weekly talk show for those who are in need and request our assistance throughout Alabama and surrounding area.
Project Success Center Point Chapel
Project Success Chapel is centrally located and accessible to those who ride the bus and those who are homeless. At this location, food and clothing are given to the needy and vouchers for assistance is also given at this location.
(1836 1st Street Northeast- Center Point, AL 35215)
The Chapel have regular Church Services at : 10:30 a.m. Church School, at 11:30 a.m. Morning worship service begin. Wednesday night bible study at 7:00 p.m.
Project Success Chapel have all the auxiliaries of the traditional church, such as, a praise team and dancers etc. Pastor Morris Jolly is our spiritual overseer.
Case Number: 0639, Mr. Turner
Project Success Taking it to the Streets team this month was in Lowndes County Alabama. We were called by County Commissioner McAlpine. He shared with us the needs that Mr. Turner, an elderly amputee, had. As you know, Project Success will travel wherever there is a need for help.
Our team visited Mr. Turner at his home, he has been an amputee for several years and has not been able to use his bathroom or take a bath in his tub. His home is not handicapped accessible. Mr. Turner was traveling approximately 1/2 of a mile to his mailbox each day to retrieve mail. It was obvious he was in need of a new mailbox and that we needed to assist him. In doing that it required changing County policy pertaining to the delivery of his mail.
Many times, Mr. Turner had to choose whether to buy food or medicine and had no extra money for repairs, Project Success was happy to help with this project.
Project Success Taking it to the Streets team expanded the bathroom door and, we change the sink to accommodate him, we also raised the toilet height. Now Mr. Turner is able to use his bathroom and take a bath and his tub for the first time since his amputation praise be to God.
Project Success replaced his mailbox and moved it closer to his home Mr. McAlpine was informed of the initial refusal of the Postal Service to deliver Mr. Turner’s mail. But, after negotiating with them and with the Commissioners help we where able to get the new mail run approved.